Series: Overview of the Gospels
- Introduction to the Gospels
- Birth and early life of Jesus
- Ministry of John the Baptiser
- The temptations of Jesus
- Identity of Jesus
- Teachings of Jesus
- Death and resurrection
- Promised Holy Spirit
Series: Conflict in the Church
- Conflict and Christians
- When Christians have hurt you
- When someone in the Church is hurting
- Praying for your frenemy
- Causes of hurt
- When Church goers manipulate
Series: Jesus revealed in the Old Testament
- Introduction, overview and relevance
- Protoevangelium: The SEED and the SERPPANT
- The battle of good and evil
- Promises, parallels and prophecies: Promises to Abraham (Isaac), Passover Lamb, Moses
- Bondage and freedom (The Serpant in the desert and struggling with sin from Egypt, bondage and freedom, and looking forward to the Son of man being lifted high)
- The suffering servant (Isaiah), Davidic covenant and fulfilment in Jesus
- Jesus, the new covenant and prophecies fulfilled (the sign of Immanuel, God with us)
- The eternal priesthood. The promise of final victory and restoration

Women of the Bible Series
Eve - Earthly vs Eternal
Moses - a symbolism of the Savior
Apostolic work
Strengthen your faith - Lazarus
The spiritual battle
Unity in the Church