
Series: Overview of the Gospels

Series: Conflict in the Church

  1. Conflict and Christians
  2. When Christians have hurt you
  3. When someone in the Church is hurting
  4. Praying for your frenemy
  5. Causes of hurt 
  6. When Church goers manipulate

Series: Jesus revealed in the Old Testament

  1. Introduction, overview and relevance
  2. Protoevangelium: The SEED and the SERPPANT
  3. The battle of good and evil 
  4. Promises, parallels and prophecies: Promises to Abraham (Isaac), Passover Lamb, Moses
  5. Bondage and freedom (The Serpant in the desert and struggling with sin from Egypt, bondage and freedom, and looking forward to the Son of man being lifted high)
  6. The suffering servant (Isaiah), Davidic covenant and fulfilment in Jesus
  7. Jesus,  the new covenant and prophecies fulfilled (the sign of Immanuel, God with us)
  8. The eternal priesthood. The promise of final victory and restoration

Women of the Bible Series

Eve - Earthly vs Eternal

Moses - a symbolism of the Savior

Apostolic work

Strengthen your faith - Lazarus

The spiritual battle

Unity in the Church